Question Overview: Maintenance technicians are a varied bunch. While some may specialize in one area, others may be more generalists. A good candidate should be able to describe the type of work they do in a way that shows they're well-versed in their field.
Sample Answer: I'm a generalist when it comes to maintenance. I do everything from electrical work to plumbing to carpentry. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it.
Question Overview: The work environment is a big part of any job. A candidate who's excited about the work environment they're in is more likely to be a good fit for the position.
Sample Answer: I like working with people and I'm good at it. I enjoy being able to help people with their problems and I like being able to make their lives easier.
Question Overview: A driver's license is a must for any candidate. It's a good indicator of their ability to operate a vehicle and get around on their own.
Sample Answer: Yes, I do. I've had my license since I was 18.
Question Overview: This question is a good way to gauge how well a candidate has thought about their education and how it relates to their career. It also shows how well they can explain their reasoning and how they can relate it to the job at hand.
Sample Answer: I decided to go to the university I did because it was close to home and had a good reputation for the type of work I wanted to do. I was able to get a degree in building maintenance and management while also being able to take classes in electrical work and carpentry.
Question Overview: Electrical work is a big part of the maintenance field. Candidates should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of electrical work and how they've used it in the past.
Sample Answer: I've been working with electricity for a few years now. I've learned a lot about it and have used it to fix a lot of different things. I've worked on everything from light fixtures to air conditioners.
Question Overview: A maintenance technician's job is not one that usually has a clear path for advancement. It's a job that requires a lot of hard work and dedication to get to the top. Candidates should be able to see the value in such a position and not be discouraged by it.
Sample Answer: I think that there are always opportunities for advancement. It's just a matter of being willing to put in the time and effort to get there. I'm willing to do that and I think that I have the skills needed to get to where I want to be.
Question Overview: This is a question that's more about the candidate's attitude than their actual career path. A good maintenance technician should be able to see themselves in a position that's comfortable for them and where they can continue to do their job well.
Sample Answer: I'd like to be in a position where I'm working with a team of people who are all working toward the same goal. I'd like to be able to keep doing my job well and be recognized for it.
Question Overview: Maintenance technicians are often required to use a variety of tools and equipment. A good candidate should be able to list off the equipment they're familiar with and explain how they use it.
Sample Answer: I've used a lot of different tools in my time. I've used a lot of different brands and models, but I'm most comfortable with my cordless drill and my tape measure.
Question Overview: Difficult situations are a part of life, and it's important to know how a candidate will deal with them. A difficult situation can be anything from a client who's unhappy with the work to an employee who's not pulling their weight. The important thing is that the candidate can handle it in a way that doesn't harm the business or their reputation.
Sample Answer: I once had a situation where a client was unhappy with the work I did. I was able to resolve it by going back and looking at the work I did and figuring out what I could have done differently. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it in the end.
Question Overview: This question is a bit more specific than the previous one. Here, the interviewer is looking for specific examples of maintenance skills. This can include anything from electrical work to carpentry to plumbing.
Sample Answer: I've been working with wood for a long time now. I've done everything from basic carpentry to furniture making. I also know how to do basic electrical work and plumbing.
Question Overview: A candidate's experience is a good indicator of how well they can perform on the job. A maintenance technician should have a good amount of experience in the field and be able to show you where they've worked and what they've done.
Sample Answer: I've been working in the maintenance field for about five years now. I started out as a general laborer and worked my way up to where I am now.
Question Overview: This is a classic test of a candidate's ability to think outside the box. It's not about whether they know the answer but how they get there. A good candidate should be able to take a problem and find a solution that doesn't rely on rote memorization.
Sample Answer: I'm not sure if it's prime or not. I guess I could try dividing it by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to see if it's divisible by any of them. If it's not divisible by any of them, then it must be prime.
Question Overview: Most maintenance technicians will work for a variety of different companies over the course of their career. It's important to know what the company you're applying to does and what they're all about.
Sample Answer: I know that TransCanada is a large company that deals with a lot of different things. They have a lot of different departments that handle everything from maintenance to construction and even security.
Question Overview: A good maintenance technician should be able to figure out what's wrong with a system or device. This is usually done by eliminating possible causes and narrowing down the issue. The most important factor is being able to do this in a timely manner.
Sample Answer: I usually start by figuring out what the problem isn't. This is usually done by talking with the client and going over the report they submitted. From there, I'll try to narrow down the issue by eliminating possible causes.
Question Overview: A team is only as good as its members. A candidate who can articulate what makes a good team will be able to work well with others and be a valuable asset to any team they're on.
Sample Answer: A good team is one that's made up of people who are willing to work together and help each other out. I've been on teams like that before and they're always the most successful.
Question Overview: A maintenance technician's job is to keep everything running smoothly. This means that they have to be able to identify problems and fix them. A good candidate should be able to describe what they look for when checking a gear box.
Sample Answer: I always check the gear box for any signs of damage or wear. I also look at the gears themselves to make sure they're not damaged or worn down. If there is any damage, I'll check the rest of the machine to see if there's anything else that needs fixing.
Question Overview: The maintenance technician's job is to fix things. If they can't fix something, it's a big problem. Candidates should be able to explain how they would go about finding help and what they would do if the problem was too big for them to handle.
Sample Answer: If I can't fix something, I'll usually try to find someone who can. I'll talk with the client and see if they have any recommendations for someone who might be able to help. If not, I'll look into what other options are available.
Question Overview: A maintenance technician's job is a lot more than just fixing things. They're also responsible for making sure that everything is in working order and that the property is in good condition. A candidate should be able to give you a rundown of the projects they've worked on and what they've done to make them successful.
Sample Answer: I've worked on a lot of different projects at my current job. I've helped with the maintenance of the building itself, including cleaning and painting. I've also worked on projects for the tenants, such as installing new appliances and repairing broken ones.
Question Overview: While it's important to be able to work with others, it's also important to be able to work with people who are less experienced or who aren't as good at their jobs. A good candidate should be able to handle these situations without getting frustrated or resorting to yelling.
Sample Answer: I try to be as patient as possible when working with someone who doesn't know what they're doing. I try to explain things as I'm doing them and make sure they understand what I'm saying. If they're still having trouble, I'll try to find someone else who can help them out.
Question Overview: Disagreements are bound to happen between coworkers, especially when they're working on the same project. A good candidate should be able to work through these disagreements and come to a solution that works for both parties.
Sample Answer: It's happened a few times. I usually try to talk with the other person and see if we can come to an agreement. If not, I'll go over my reasoning for my decision and see if they can come around to it. If not, I'll have to stick with my decision.