Question Overview:
Sample Answer: Nursing is not simply a job. It is also a journey filled with lifelong learning. You can discuss the ACLS course you took earlier this year, or the critical care conference you attended recently, or the mental health symposium you visited, or whatever it is you do to maintain or augment your nursing knowledge base.
Question Overview: None
Sample Answer: The interviewer is asking this open-ended ice-breaker question looking for some introductory information from you. Give a short and engaging response, ending on an interesting note so that the interviewer wants to hear more. At this point, it is more about your personality and ability to give a concise answer than the amount of information you expose. Always tell a story, start by telling them briefly of your past education, and then your past work history, ending with your graduating with your degree and starting your new career. Usually, you would leave out any personal information about yourself, never discuss your age, marital status, children, where you live, hobbies, etc. They are wanting to know about you professionally. Many of those personal questions are illegal to ask in an interview.'] Tell me about yourself. The interviewer is asking this open-ended ice-breaker question looking for some introductory information from you. Give a short and engaging response, ending on an interesting note so that the interviewer wants to hear more. At this point, it is more about your personality and ability to give a concise answer than the amount of information you expose. Always tell a story, start by telling them briefly of your past education, and then your past work history, ending with your graduating with your degree and starting your new career. Usually, you would leave out any personal information about yourself, never discuss your age, marital status, children, where you live, hobbies, etc. They are wanting to know about you professionally. Many of those personal questions are illegal to ask in an interview
Question Overview:
Sample Answer: Everybody makes mistakes, so don’t give an example where you had terrible decision-making skills. Select an occurrence that allowed you to learn a good lesson and describe how you grew from it. Let them know about the situation and how you would make changes if given the opportunity to do it again.'] Describe a time you made a mistake and how you handled the situation. Everybody makes mistakes, so don’t give an example where you had terrible decision-making skills. Select an occurrence that allowed you to learn a good lesson and describe how you grew from it. Let them know about the situation and how you would make changes if given the opportunity to do it again.